Curate Data Integration and Access Lunch & Learn

Tuesday, Aug. 27 | 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM | Room 322B



Subsurface Data Integration and Access: How Ikon Science is Changing the Way we Think about Data Management

Join us to gain a comprehensive understanding of how Ikon Science's Curate platform transforms the traditional approach to subsurface data management, leading to quicker implementations, more efficient operations, better collaboration, and ultimately, stronger business outcomes by:

  • Efficiency Gains: Learn how the Curate platform's automated data ingestion capabilities can significantly reduce the time and resources spent on data management, allowing teams to focus on high-value tasks like analysis and decision-making.
  • Enhanced Decision-Making: Discover how the platform's advanced visualization tools can provide immediate, intuitive insights into subsurface data, enabling faster and more informed decision-making in exploration and development.
  • Improved Collaboration: Understand how Curate's ability to provide instant access to enterprise-wide data within a collaborative environment can enhance teamwork across various workflows, leading to more coordinated and effective project outcomes.
  • Cost Reduction: Gain insights into how the platform minimizes the need for costly service contracts and accelerates data availability, contributing to a more cost-effective and streamlined data management process.
  • Scalability and Integration: See how Curate integrates seamlessly with existing systems, supporting scalability and ensuring that your data management processes can grow and adapt with your organization's needs.
  • Data-Driven Innovation: Explore how the platform is not just addressing traditional data management challenges but also opening up new possibilities for growth and innovation by turning data hurdles into opportunities.

Overall, the talk will highlight how Curate is redefining possibilities by turning data hurdles into opportunities for growth and innovation.

We'd love to see you there!


About the Speaker

Monica Beech, Curate Product Manager

Monica Beech is currently the Product Manager for Curate at Ikon Science.  She has a background as a geoscientist but has transitioned into product management, demonstrating a strong passion for addressing complex problems in an agile and effective manner.  In her role at Ikon Science, Monica is responsible for the development and management of data management and visualization applications.  She has been instrumental in the evolution of Curate, a subsurface data management system that incorporates advanced technologies like generative AI.

Monica is known for her expertise in data management within the context of digital transformation in the energy industry.  She has spoken about the power of effective data management in today's digital world, emphasizing its importance beyond simple archiving.  Her work involves turning visionary ideas into practical solutions, as evidenced by her involvement in recent advances in the Curate platform. Monica's contributions are helping to shape how subsurface data is managed, analyzed, and utilized in the oil and gas exploration sector.